The Tour de CLARIN is a CLARIN ERIC initiative that aims to periodically highlight prominent User Involvement activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium.
After visiting 11 countries, in February and March 2019 the Tour de CLARIN stops off in Italy to visit CLARIN-IT.
The Italian stage of the Tour de CLARIN started with a CLARIN blog post introducing the Italian consortium: “Tour de CLARIN: Italy” (01/03/2019).
The second stop of the Tour de CLARIN-IT was recorded in a CLARIN blog post introducing a resource developed at the Italian consortium: “CLARIN-IT presents: MERLIN – A Written Learner Corpus for Czech, German, and Italian” (15/03/2019).
The third stop of the Tour was recorded in a CLARIN blog post introducing a tool developed at the Italian consortium: “CLARIN-IT presents LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web” (20/03/2019).
The fourth stop of the Tour was recorded in a CLARIN blog post introducing the events organized by the Italian consortium to bring CLARIN closer to the Italian Digital Humanities and Social Sciences community: “CLARIN-IT presents their Roadshow Seminars” (01/04/2019).
The last scheduled stop of the Tour was recorded in a CLARIN blog post introducing a PhD student who uses digital methodologies in Classical Studies: “Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Beatrice Nava” (02/04/2019).
- Tour de CLARIN Coordination
- CLARIN-IT National Coordination
Organizing Committee
- Darja Fišer (Tour de CLARIN Coordination)
- Jakob Lenardič (Tour de CLARIN Coordination)
- Monica Monachini (CLARIN-IT National Coordinator)
- Alessandro Enea (CLARIN-IT National Coordination Group Member | ILC4CLARIN Technical Manager)
- Paola Baroni (CLARIN-IT National Coordination Group Member | CLARIN-IT Membership Procedures Manager | CLARIN-IT and ILC4CLARIN Web and Communication Manager)
- Valeria Quochi (CLARIN-IT User Involvement Manager)
- Riccardo Del Gratta (ILC4CLARIN Repository Manager)
- Alexander König (EURAC Research)
- Andrea Abel (EURAC Research)
- Andrea Bellandi (CNR-ILC)
- Fahad Khan (CNR-ILC)
- Anika Nicolosi (UniPr)
- Beatrice Nava (PhD Student @ UniBo)
- Stop 1 – Tour de CLARIN: Italy
- Stop 2 – CLARIN-IT presents: MERLIN – A Written Learner Corpus for Czech, German, and Italian
- Stop 3 – CLARIN-IT presents LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web
- Stop 4 – CLARIN-IT presents their Roadshow Seminars
- Stop 5 – Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Beatrice Nava
The Italian stage of the Tour de CLARIN is reported in the Volume II of “Tour de CLARIN”.