AIUCD is the Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture.
It fosters methodological and theoretical research, scientific collaboration and the development of shared practices, resources and tools in the Digital Humanities, as well as the development of digital applications in all the disciplines of the Humanities.
Furthermore, it seeks to stimulate a reflection on the theoretical foundations of computational methods in the Internet culture.
The next Annual Event of the Association – AIUCD 2021 – will have the topic DHs for society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age.
Considering the current state of the pandemic and the travel restrictions in place, and putting everyone’s health safety first, the Programme Committee has decided to transform AIUCD 2021 into an Online Conference with the collaboration of CLARIN-IT and the support of CLARIN ERIC.
One of the keynote speakers will be Prof. Franciska De Jong (CLARIN ERIC Executive Director).
Moreover, a CLARIN Café-Espresso (inspired by the CLARIN Café series) will be held during the Pre-Conference Workshop Day (19th January 2021).
The official languages of the Conference are Italian and English.
Registration is free of charge but mandatory for organizational reasons.
For further details, please consult the Programme of the event.
Contributions, materials and video recordings of the event
Programme | Welcome | Keynote Speakers | Talks | Posters | Workshops | Journal Room