The LaRI Research Group has been and is involved in the organization of several major scientific events in the sector of Computational Linguistics.
CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) Annual Conference
It is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the Humanities and Social Sciences. It is organized for the wider Humanities and Social Sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences with the CLARIN infrastructure. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN infrastructure, the data, tools and services that it contains or should contain, its actual use by researchers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects and the CLARIN Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure.
The 2018 edition of the conference was held in Pisa. The CLARIN-IT National Coordination – leaded by Monica Monachini and formed of Paola Baroni, Riccardo Del Gratta, Alessandro Enea and Valeria Quochi – was responsible for the local organization of the event.
The 2021 edition of the conference, held in a virtual form due to COVID-19 pandemic, was chaired by Monica Monachini, CLARIN-IT National Coordinator.
- CLARIN 2015 (Wroclaw, 2015)
- CLARIN 2016 (Aix-en-Provence, 2020)
- CLARIN 2017 (Budapest, 2017)
- CLARIN 2018 (Pisa, 2018)
- CLARIN 2019 (Leipzig, 2019)
- CLARIN 2020 (
MadridVirtual Venue, 2020) - CLARIN 2021 (
MadridVirtual Venue, 2021) - CLARIN 2022 (Prague + Online, 2022)
- CLARIN 2023 (Leuven + Online, 2023)
- CLARIN 2024 (Barcelona + Online, 2024)
- CLARIN 2025 (Vienna + Online, 2025)
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)
It is now the major international event on Language Resources and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies. It aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art, explore new Research & Development directions and emerging trends, exchange information regarding Language Resources and their applications, evaluation methodologies and tools, on-going and planned activities, industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from e-science and e-society, with respect both to policy issues and to scientific/technological and organisational ones. It provides a unique forum for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide spectrum of areas to discuss problems and opportunities, find new synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation, in support of investigations in language sciences, progress in language technologies and development of corresponding products, services, applications and standards.
- LREC 1998 (Granada, 1998)
- LREC 2000 (Athens, 2000)
- LREC 2002 (Las Palmas, 2002)
- LREC 2004 (Lisbon, 2004)
- LREC 2006 (Genova, 2006)
- LREC 2008 (Marrakech, 2008)
- LREC 2010 (Valletta, 2010)
- LREC 2012 (Istanbul, 2012)
- LREC 2014 (Reykjavik, 2014)
- LREC 2016 (Portorož, 2016)
- LREC 2018 (Miyazaki, 2018)
- LREC 2020 (
Marseille, 2020) | cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic - LREC 2022 (Marseille, 2022)
- LREC-COLING 2024 (Turin, 2024)
Conferences on Natural Language Processing and Language and Speech Technology
- “Il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue nella Società dell’Informazione” (Roma, 1997)
- TIPI 2002 – “Tecnologie Informatiche nella Promozione della Lingua Italiana” (Roma, 2002)
- TAL 2006 – “Uomini e macchine, un colloquio possibile” (Roma, 2006)
- TALeP 2006 – “Tecnologie per l’eParticipation: freno o opportunità per la partecipazione democratica?” (Pisa, 2006)
- LangTech 2008 – International Conference on Language and Speech Technology (Roma, 2008)
- TAL 2014 – “TAL e Open data” (Torino, 2014)
- TAL e Beni Culturali (Gardone Riviera, 2015)
ISO/TC37/SC4 Meetings
- WG2, WG4, TDG1, TDG2, TDG3, WD24611, WD24613 Meetings (Pisa, 2004)
Meetings of the Working Groups WG2 (Representation Schemes) and WG4 (Lexical Resources), of the Thematic Domain Groups TDG1 (Metadata), TDG2 (Morphosyntax) and TDG3 (Semantic Content Representation) and of the Projects WG2/WD24611 (Morphosyntactic Annotation Framework) and WG4/WD24613 (Lexical Markup Framework) of the Subcommittee SC4 (Language Resource Management) of the Technical Committee TC37 (Terminology and other language and content resources) of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) - WG1, WG2 Meetings (Pisa, 2012)
Meetings of the Working Groups WG1 (Basic descriptors and mechanisms for language resources) and WG2 (Representation Schemes) of the Subcommittee SC4 (Language Resource Management) of the Technical Committee TC37 (Terminology and other language and content resources) of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) - WG1, WG2, WG4 Meetings (Pisa, 2013)
Meetings of the Working Groups WG1 (Basic descriptors and mechanisms for language resources), WG2 (Representation Schemes) and WG4 (Lexical Resources) of the Subcommittee SC4 (Language Resource Management) of the Technical Committee TC37 (Terminology and other language and content resources) of ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GL)
The goal of this international conference is to bring together diverse contributions from Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Cognitive Science and Lexicography, which explore compositionality from the point of view of generative approaches to the lexicon.
Conference on Action, Language and Cognition
- MODELACT 2016 (Roma, 2016)
Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING)
Throughout its history (started in New York in 1965), this international conference has brought together researchers from across the field of Computational Linguistics. It has developed into one of the premier Natural Language Processing conferences worldwide and is a major international event for the presentation of new research results and for the demonstration of new systems and techniques in the broad field of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing.
- COLING 2016 (Osaka, 2016)
Workshops on Less-Resourced and Under-Resourced Languages
- LRL 2009 (Poznań, 2009)
- LRL 2011 (Poznań, 2011)
- LRL 2013 (Poznań, 2013)
- LRL 2015 (Poznań, 2015)
- LRL 2017 (Poznań, 2017)
- LRL 2019 (Poznań, 2019)
- CCURL 2014 (Reykjavik, 2014)
- CCURL 2016 (Portorož, 2016)
- CCURL 2018 (Miyazaki, 2018)
- DLDP 2018 (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2018)
- SLTU-CCURL 2020 (
Marseille, 2020) | cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic - SIGUL 2022 (Marseille + Online, 2022)
- SIGUL 2023 (Dublin + Online, 2023)
Joint ISO-ACL/SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA)
- ISA-8 (Pisa, 2012)
Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL)
Workshop on Language Technology Service Platforms
- LTSP 2014 (Reykjavik, 2014)
Workshop of the European Language Resource Coordination
- ELRC Italy (Roma, 2016)
Workshops on Language and Ontology & Terminology and Knowledge Structures
- LangOnto2 + TermiKS (Portorož, 2016)